Friday, June 14, 2013


In this game, Black sacrifices so many pieces, doing what seems to be a  "harakiri", Japanese term for honorable suicide, which ultimately pays off because White gets mated in the end.

1. d4, Nf6
2. c4, e5
3. d5 ....

Normal line of play is 3. dxe5, and may lead to another trick  as in the Budapest Gambit.

3. .... Bc5!
4. h3? ....

Better is 4. e3 which effectively prevents the following disaster.

4. .... Bxf2!
5. Kxf2, Ne4+
6. Kf3 ....

If 6. Ke3, then 6.....Qh4, 7. Nf3 Qf4+, 8. Kd3 Nf2+, 9. Kc2 Qe4+, 10. Kd2 Nxd1 and Black wins.

6. .... Qh4
7. g3 ....

With this move, White will be able to capture the e4 Knight.

7. .... Qxg3+
8. Kxe4, f5+
9. Kxf5, d6+
10. Ke4, Bf5+
11. Kxf5, Qg6 mate

In all, Black sacrificed two Bishops, one Knight, and 1 pawn to gain victory.

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